Protecting forests for wildlife – a gentle interpretive walk, morning tea and optional lunch.
WHEN: 10.00am Saturday 9 October 2021
WHERE: Gillies Ridge Nature Refuge, 62 Klan Road, Barney View

Brush-tailed rock wallabies live on this property but lost much food and shelter here and elsewhere during the 2019-20 bushfires
4287. (note: after heavy rain the long driveway may be difficult for 2WD, but let us know in advance and we can ferry you from the front gate to the venue).
Learn about some of the problems faced by widlife in these forests, and what landowner Ian Beale and the Scenic Rim branch of Wildlife Queensland are doing to enhance and expand their habitats. Enjoy a gentle walk learning the roles of local trees and other plants for wildlife.
Bring own cups, plates, and a folding chair or picnic rug for morning tea, including native herbal tea (free of charge). We will then head back towards Rathdowney for an optional late lunch (diners pay for their own) at the Shed Cafe.
This is an activity for Qld Mental Health Week, which runs from 9-17 October 2021. Beaucare is organising the local events, and the Scenic Rim branch of Wildlife Qld is joining in by offering this event.
Also visit:
RSVP by 2nd October for both events. Contact: Ian Beale 0497556008