Current and Past Projects undertaken by Scenic Rim Wildlife include:
- Corridors for the Scenic Rim. This involves filling in some gaps in the relatively low-altitude, lower and drier forest an woodlands of the central valleys that are not as well protected as our mountain forests, but important for squirrel gliders, grey-crowed babblers, glossy black cockatoos and others.
- Scenic Rim Bioblitz. We have finished the searches on Tamborine Mountain but counting to identify species and collate results, and prepare additional reports for schools and info centres
- Wildlife of the CSG Pipeline: what species are currently living along the route identified as the CSG pipeline, to be mostly cleared to a with of 30m for about 180km, cutting through farmland and forest in the Scenic Rim and across the NSW border. This has been shelved for the moments it looks as though the pipeline may never happen.
- Gliders of the Scenic Rim: where are the gliders, how are they using their habitat and where do they need a bit of help? (habitat enhancement, wildlife corridors)