Review of past events

Making Scenic Rim businesses wildlife friendly

Open day at Scenic Rim Wildlife Ecology Centre, in support of Keep Queensland Beautiful

The Centre is still under renovation, with a long way to go, but Araucaria Ecotours is offering a free preview and information on how the scenic Rim was formed and why it has such high biodiversity.

Scenic Rim Wildlife Ecology Centre Preview 27/4/24



Corridors workshop for landowners, Bunjurgen

Tuesday 5th October 2021


Joint event Scenic Rim WPSQ and Boonah Landcare, hosted by Bunjurgen Estate Vineyard

Wine-tasting and nibbles while discussing plans for wildlife corridors




Corridors workshop for landowners, Tamrookum

9.30am Friday 8th October


Joint event Scenic Rim WPSQ and Land for Wildlife

Similar theme to above

Lucky door prize

Tamrookum Hall – Find more details and REGISTER HERE.


Gentle interpretive walk and morning tea at Mt Gillies

Saturday 9th Ocober


Wildlife Expo Saturday 27th August 2022

The Wildlife Preservation Society of Queensland (now usually just called Wildlife Queensland) was 60 years old in 2022. One of its founders, the poet and conservationist Judith Wright (who our federal electorate is named after), lived in the Scenic Rim for two decades, and the Scenic Rim has one of the highest levels of biodiversity in Australia. Hence the Scenic Rim branch is celebrating the 60 years from 9.00am to 4.00pm on Saturday 27th August with a WILDLIFE EXPO. This event was held at the Outlook, just north of Boonah.


  • Wildlife of the Scenic Rim: an overview of local mammals, birds and other wildlife
  • Wildlife Corridors project in the Scenic Rim
  • History of WPSQ and of Scenic Rim WPSQ
  • Koala conservation
  • Brushed-tailed Rock-wallaby Conservation Network
  • Glider research
  • Quoll research
  • Bats
  • Landcare in the Scenic Rim
  • Land for Wildlife in the Scenic Rim
  • Caring for orphaned and injured wildlife
  • Native plant nurseries
  • Sustainable Wildlife Tourism
  • Sustainable population in Australia
  • Threatened species of the Scenic Rim
  • Local conservation issues


  • 9.30am Brief history and poetry of Judith Wright, a co-founder of Wildlife Preservation Society of Queensland who lived in the Scenic Rim for two decades. Ronda Green (chair WPSQ Scenic Rim)
  • 9.45am An Overview of the Wildlife of the Scenic Rim. Ronda Green
  • 10.15am Brush-tailed rock-wallabies (by Hannah Thomas, presented by Karin Cox)
  • 10.30am The Logan Koala Project, and Koala-detection dogs. Ryan Lawrie
  • 10.45am Caring for wildlife. Tara Hunter, WildCare.
  • 11.00am Meet our wildlife.  Martin Fingland (Gecko’s Wildlife) will be bringing animals native to the Scenic Rim for us to meet
  • 12.00noon Sustainable population for Australia. Simon Cole
  • 12.15pm Citizen science research on  koalas. Carney Matheson, Griffith University
  • 12.30pm Meet our wildlife. As for 11.00am
  • 1.30pm  Land for Wildlife in the Scenic Rim. Catherine Madden, Land For Wildlife.
  • 2.00pm The Logan Koala Project, and Koala-detection dogs. Ryan Lawrie.
  • 2.15pm Flying foxes, our night time gardeners and just how imo
    portant they are to all of us. Joanie Lewis,  Bats Queensland.
  • 2.30pm Private enterprise facilities in National Parks: can it compromise wilderness experience and wildlife conservation? Sonya Underdahl, postgrad student studying ecotourism in Protected Areas


  • How to sketch wildlife. Quick and easy ways for drawing
    kangaroos, koalas and other wildlife, and how to record details for
  • Arts and crafts with native plants
  • Wildlife puzzle trail – fun for families
  • Koala-related activities

Overview of mid-2012 to late 2013

Clearing of vine scrub species at Gleneagle

Margaret Kendrick, Hennie Van Dyk and Ronda Green met with Carla Reid of LACA and Nadia O’Carrol of the Scenic Rim Regional Council on Gould Road, Gleneagle in late 2012, to inspect the region where various native dry-rainforest trees were being removed for the new housing development. We sent a request to the Council that some of the remaining trees be preserved or if possible transplanted, that signs be erected to warn drivers of wildlife crossing (since they were being displaced by the clearing) and to let us know well in advance of other such developments so we could assess effects on wildlife (this has not been done, although there probably are new plans for other sites).


50 years of WPSQ

Ronda, Darren (Green) and Sandy attended Wildlife Queensland’s Talking Wildlife forum, held in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Wildlife Preservation Society of Queensland. of Wildlife. Ronda had been a committee member of the organising committee for several months.


Wild Talent night to honour one of our founders and celebrate WPSQ’s 50 years

To further celebrate the 50th Anniversary of WPSQ in the Scenic Rim, since co-founder Judith Wright spent several decades of her life here and wrote much poetry during that night, we decided a poetry event would be very appropriate. We this held a Wild Talent Evening on the evening of 22nd September. Brett Dionysius and Ronda Green told a little of the life of Judith Wright and Brett read out a couple of her poems. Brett also read several of his own poems about local wildlife and conservation issues. Sara Bruxner attended, and Ronda read some of Sara’s poems on wildlife. Ronda also read a poem about a currawong by Bernard O’Reilly, and Darren Green read poems by Susan Savage. Jpy Drescher then read poems from her recent book. Artwork by Joy Drescher, Christine Purtle and Sandy Rose were displayed, and photos by Darren Brown projected from the computer screen (but unfortunately Darren himself lost his way and we never saw him). Ronda presented a song she wrote as a teenager while showing relevant wildlife and habitat photos


Quolls of the Scenic Rim

Several of us attended a quoll meeting in Boonah run jointly by central office and SRRC. We heard about quolls, saw live quolls, and learned of the planned surveys. Later we heard that a healthy male quoll had been detected by a motion-sensing camera in the western part of the Scenic Rim.


Wildlife Art Exhibition

Ronda was invited by Sandra Temple to be one of the judges for the art exhibition ‘World of Wildlife’ at the Centre in Beaudesert, a difficult task with so many wonderful pintings.


Sandy Rose delivered a talk on the wildlife of the Scenic Rim to Beaudesert Rotary Club at the Logan and Albert Hotel in April 2013, emphasising the diversity of our wildlife and some of the challenges for their conservation.  



Talks on coal seam gas

Ronda gave a talk at Milton on the potential effects of CSG extraction on wildlife in April 2013, and another member, Innes Larkin, spoke the same night on the effects on water quality and farming, and the recent history of protests in our region.
<New book by our club poet

In May Darren and Ronda attended the Brisbane launch of our club poet Brett Dionysius’s book of poems ‘Bowra.’


Submissions to government on vegetation management and activities in national pairs

Ronda put in a submission to the state government requesting they do not make drastic changes postulated in the Vegetation Management Framework Amendment Bill 2013 (Qld)


Sandy Rose put in a submission to the state government on using caution when introducing new activities and facilities under the name of ecotourism in our national parks, with adequate research and monitoring to minimise impacts on wildlife.


CSG Pipeline

We have been doing occasional updates to the surveys of fauna along the proposed CSG pipeline. For a while it looked as though construction was cancelled but now we are not so sure.


Incorporation comong

We’ve been drafting an application for our branch to be incorporated, and awaiting feedback from head office

Glider survey

We have commenced a survey of the gliders of the Scenic Rim
<h4New members: Welcome!

We have welcomed new members Robert Chataway, Sara Hangi and Alinta Krauth this year.


Recent events 2015


2.00pm Saturday 29th August 2015

1770 Running Creek Road, Rathdowney


Glider workshop 2.30pm Saturday 29th August 2015

  • what we’ve accomplished so far
  • the gaps we need to fill in order to offer advice on conservation management, including where we need corridors or rows of glider poles to connect habitat fragments or enhance disturbed habitats
  • how to detect and identify gliders