Odonata (dragonflies and damselflies)
Many thanks to Chris Burwell and Elliot Leach for this list. The species were mostly seen a few days after the official Biobliotz, on a sunny day.
Please scroll down below Odonata to see other insects
Along Cedar Creek, Thunderbird Park
- Sapphire Rockmaster, Diphlebia coerulescens
- Whitewater Rockmaster, Diphlebia lestoides
- Flame Flatwing, Austroargiolestes amabilis
- Black Tigertail, Eusynthemis nigra
- Variable Tigertail, Eusynthemis aurolineata
- Forest Darner, Austroaeschna pulchra
- Queensland Pin, Neosticta canescens
Black-faced Percher, Diplacodes melanopsis
- Fiery Skimmer, Orthetrum villosovittatum
- Bronze Needle, Synlestes weyersii
- Southern Vicetail, Hemigomphus gouldii
Thunderbird Park lake
- Common Bluetail, Ischnura heterosticta
- Eastern Billabongfly, Austroagrion watsoni
- Splendid longlegs, Austrocnemis splendida
Pygmy Wisp, Agriocnemis pygmaea
- Wandering Percher, Diplacodes bipunctata
- Black-faced Percher, Diplacodes melanopsis (one also caught along the creek above)
- Blue Skimmer, Orthetrum caledonicum
- Palemouth, Brachydiplax denticauda (also recorded by Asher Nicholls at Siganto Street
- Australian Emperor, Anax papuensis
Camp Thunderbird.
- Common glider, Tramea loewii (dead)
Dragonflies identified by Luigi Casagrande and Maria Maruca, near the creek at Thunderbird Park were:
- Southern Vicetail Hemigomphus gouldii
- Austroargiolestes icteromelas
Scroll down for more photos, and more insect groups
Dragonflies photographed by Luigi Casagrande, accompanied by Maria Maruca, near the creek at Thunderbird Park:
Most other insects were not identified to species, but some were recorded, as follows:
Bush cockroach (id Keith McCosh / Rob McCormack), Witches Falls, rainforest
- Cockroach,Thunderbird Park
- Stick insect,Skywalk
- Cricket (id Keith McCosh / Rob McCormack), Witches Falls, rainforest
- Cricket, Skywalk
- Moss’/lichen katydid Phricta sp (id Keith McCosh / Rob McCormack), Witches Falls, rainforest
Several were seen, some at least partly identified:
- Assassin bug, family Reduviidae, Thunderbird Park, sclerohyll forest (Cara Parsons)
- Water strider, family Gerridae, Thunderbird Park, sclerohyll forest (Cara Parsons)
- Leaf hopper, Thunderbird Park, sclerohyll forest (Cara Parsons)
- Leaf hopper (same species?), Cedar Creek Falls, sclerohyll forest (Cara Parsons)
- Small bottle cicada, Skywalk, id Ronda Green
- Mayfly, Thunderbird Park, sclerohyll forest (Cara Parsons)
- Mayfly, (id Keith McCosh / Rob McCormack), Witches Falls, rainforest
- Mayfly, (id Keith McCosh / Rob McCormack), The Knoll, rainforest
- Louse fly, family Hippoboscidae (id KeithMcCosh / Rob McCormack) The Knoll,rainforest
- Blue fly (id KeithMcCosh / Rob McCormack) The Knoll,rainforest
- Whirligig beetle, (id Keith McCosh / Rob McCormack), Witches Falls, rainforest
- Ladybird, family Coccinellidae (id KeithMcCosh / Rob McCormack)The Knoll, rainforest
- Netwing larvae Family Lycidae, (id KeithMcCosh / Rob McCormack) Witches Falls, rainforest
- Longicorn beetle (id Ronda Green),Skywalk
- Flat-faced Longhorn Pentacosmia conferta, Thunderbird Park
- various other beetles, including weevils, unidentified
Bull ant (Cara Parsons), Thunderbird Park, sclerophyll forest, Skywalk, sclerophyll forest
- Golden-tailed ant (Cara Parsons), Thunderbird Park, sclerophyll forest
- Jumper ant Myrmecia nigrocincta (Cara Parsons), Thunderbird Park, sclerophyll forest