Meeting of landowners Kerry Valley

Meeting of landowners, Kerry Valley

3.00pm Saturday 25th September

Meeting a squirrel glider

Meeting a squirrel glider

This event was held at Tullamore Farm, home of Bill and Carol O’Sullivan at the lower end of Duck Creek Rd., via Kerry Rd and was well attended.

Land-owners and volunteers meet at the home of Bill and Carol O'Sullivan, Duck Creek Road

Land-owners and volunteers meet at the home of Bill and Carol O’Sullivan, Duck Creek Road




We briefly reviewed the reasons we are creating corridors and some of the animals we hope will benefit.

Tawny frogmouth meetung guests

Tawny frogmouth meetung guests



Louise Mackey of Australian Bush Buddies brought along a few local species for us to meet: a squirrel glider, a blue-tongue skink, a spotted python and a tawny frogmouth.



We explained how land-owners can help some of the species move between the habitat remnants in the Scenic Rim, whether they wish to plant 2 trees or 200. Local landowners Michele Morgan and Tracey Edie, who have already joined our program, each gave a brief talk on their experiences, and Bill spoke about his motion-sensing cameras and some of the wildlife on his property.

Free plants, fencing materials and nest boxes are available (not necessary on the same day), and some volunteer labour, over the next two and a half months and again in March (thus avoiding the heat of summer, although we’ll be continuing our fauna surveys over summer). We can also lend landowners a motion-sensing camera for a couple of weeks to monitor the wildlife on their properties.


Many thanks to our sponsor Landcare Led Bushfire Recovery Grants



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